7 decembrie 2013

The What

Without further ado, just some topics I'd like to cover. All of them dubbed accordingly, of course. :-)

Teacher's Thread(s):
Insight into reflective teaching: experiences during class, customized materials and a different approach to grammar.  I don't mean to split hairs here (:-P), but you'll need to be on the look-out for three different tags:
          • Knitting Patterns: all of the above,while teaching English
          • Strickmuster: during which I'll be switching to German
          • Să țesem frumos: teaching Romanian also has its challenges
                                    I'm looking forward to your comments and to hearing about your own teaching
                                    and  (why not?) learning experience.

Coloured Yarn:

It's all about Arts&Crafts here, you'll see.


A weaving experiment, a mixture of written, spoken and even sung words.

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